Monday, September 10, 2012

The Democratic National Convention

President Obama and his fellow constituents took the state in Charlotte, NC for the 2012 Democratic National Convention. Speakers included, but were not limited to, Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton, and President Obama. Unfortunately, I was not able to watch the First Lady's speech, but I heard that it was rather good. That doesn't surprise me one bit. I have always liked Michelle and found her to be a genuine lady.

One of the more interesting moments of the convention was during the attempt to put God and Jerusalem back in the party platform. When asked for the majority vote, it was clear that there was no majority. However, the speaker tried again, and a third time to attempt to determine a 2/3 majority. No majority could have been determined from the vote, much less 2/3. Despite the failed vote attempt, the speaker read off of the teleprompter that already stated that God and Jerusalem would be reinstalled in the Democratic party platform. Following this verdict, there was a significant amount of booing among the audience as I'm sure they felt unheard and cheated. Unfortunately, this incident took up much of the "highlights" of the convention and received more attention than many of the speeches.

I did get the chance to watch Former President Bill Clinton speak prior to President Obama's address. In my opinion, at 50 minutes, it was rather long. Whether it was the length, or the content, I was not particularly impressed with Clinton's speech. However, the audience clearly was. The delegates laughed and applauded almost as if Clinton was still the President. Critics and analysts have stated that Clinton is actually rather Anti-Obama and is merely putting on a good show not to burn any bridges for when his wife runs again for President. My opinion on this, is irrelevant. Political standings aside, Clinton provided great entertainment for those in attendance at the convention as well as millions of viewers across America.

Following Vice President Joe Biden's speech, Michelle Obama gave a brief, but sweet, introduction for her husband, President Barack Obama. President Obama walked in to loud applause, cheers, and smiles. No matter your political party of preference, it's hard to debate that Obama is a wonderful speaker. He captivates the audience from the first line of his speech all through the last. In my opinion, Obama's speech was a good speech. Despite the excellent delivery, I did not find anything "new" in the President's speech other than the tone. Excellently delivered, interspersed with jokes and inspirational statements, and delivering a message that Obama is hopeful for the United States of America, rather than his previous campaigning tagline of hope and change. 

For the 2012 Presidential Election, I truly believe that both candidates are genuine people with America's best interest in mind. Why would one run for President if you didn't love the country that you  were running to govern? Both have seemingly stable and great families with loving, supporting, and intelligent wives. To me, it's not a question of candidates as people. Or, at least not the deciding factor. Rather, it is a matter of policy, which I believe is how all elections should be. People are entitled to their own opinions and allowed to vote as they please. That's the beauty of America. Over the next couple of months, we will see many debates between President Obama and Governor Romney, and come November 6th, our country will have to make a decision for the next President of the United States of America. Which slogan do you best align with: "Forward." or "We Built It."?

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