Wednesday, January 25, 2012

State of the Union Address

Please hold your applause until the end.

Last night, the President of the United States gave his State of the Union Address. This two hour long program aired on almost every channel I have available in my dorm, so I decided to watch it. The following are my thoughts on this Address, and though I will poke fun at much of his speech and the ordeal in general, this post is in no way intended to disrespect President Obama.

"Mr. Speaker, the President of the United States!". Cue loud and cheerful applause. President Obama then began his walk to his podium, but spent at least six or seven minutes shaking hands and sharing a few words with his fellow congress men and women along the way. Each person in his path fought for their ten seconds with the President, and their ten seconds on national television. Hugs, laughs, and smiles were exchanged between President Obama and many of his friends. Meanwhile...the whole room is still applauding this man as he takes ten minutes to make it to his podium.

After delivering special super secret envelopes to the Vice President and the Speaker of the House, the applause stops. But only briefly. The Speaker then formally presents President Obama and the applause resumes for another solid minute. This guy hasn't even said anything yet and he's gotten more applause in ten minutes than most people get in a lifetime. When President Obama finally does begin to talk, I will admit, he makes you listen. He is a very good orator and I think that is most of the reason why I sat through this Address. Throughout the introduction of his speech, Obama highlights all of his accomplishments as President these past three years. Typical politician. And of course, more standing ovations and applause. If each congress man and woman put two pound weights on their arms and quads, I guarantee they get an amazing workout from all of the applauding and constant standing and then sitting.

As President Obama got into the more "nitty gritty" part of his speech, I became really entertained. As Obama would throw out strongly Democratic suggestions, half of the room would stand and applaud, and the other half remain silent in their seats. Awkward, but hilarious, camera shots show McCain silent and statuesque through most of the speech and fellow Republicans holding their tongues. Obama threw out not so subtle attacks at Bush's campaign by mentioning "For the first time in eight years..." and such when talking about war and jobs. When Obama proposed that everyone pays their fair share of taxes, has the same opportunities, and plays by the same rules....there was a strong awkward tension that fell across the room as exactly half of the room (the side he greeted upon entering) cheered and the other half fell silent.

President Obama also kept asking congress for bills to be put on his desk throughout his Address. "Send me a bill that does .... and I will sign it!" "Put a bill on my desk tomorrow that does ... and I will sign it!" My goodness, sir. Quite demanding tonight, aren't we? Most of these suggestions (demands) were about education, healthcare, taxes, and energy. A few of his main points included: 1) Make college cheaper and available to everyone. Cool, I'll buy that. 2) Require kids to complete high school or until they turn 18. Sir, you think the rate of teen suicide is bad now? The last thing you want to do to teens is place more demands and restrictions on them. 3) Use American resources and natural energy. Consensual applause from the audience. 4) The progressive tax system, claiming that "The American people know what the right choice is. And so do I." Bold statement, sir. 5) "Subtle" attacks at the way congress operates followed by an awkward, obligatory applause.

Throughout this speech, I noticed a few things about politics and found them rather amusing. The camera shot, for one. With the Vice president on his left (in a blue tie), the Speaker on his right (also in a blue tie) and the President in the middle (wearing a red tie), he managed to convey a sense of unity within the parties. His red tie was staring at the nation for two straight hours. Well done, Obama. While talking about oil spills, Obama brought up a bill "my Republican predecessor" passed regarding tests that prove that farmer's can contain a milk spill because it is somehow classified as oil. He then interjected possibly the worst joke of the year: "I guess then it would be worth crying over spilled milk"....Obligatory applause and laughter from the audience as the Vice President rolls his eyes and chuckles. While talking directly to the American people, President Obama said "Let's agree right here, right now. No sh--, *pause*, side issues, no drama..." Excuse me Mr. President, but did you just almost curse on national television? Boy, that would have been great.

President Obama ended his speech with a quote from Abraham Lincoln "A Republican President" talking about unity between the parties and how we can all just work for the country's interest and not in our own. Nice touch, but...yeah right.

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